Like about 95% of America, I’m addicted to Starbucks. What can I say, a latte just keeps me going! The beach is my all time favorite place to be, if it’s a warm and sunny day, just look for me there – I’m the one in the big floppy hat. I’m fairly certain that the greatest invention of all time is the iPhone…what did we do before we had the world at our fingertips 24/7?
Keep an eye out for suspicious extra baggage when I travel…I’m obsessed with shoes, and I’ll probably have at least three pairs for every day that I’m traveling. I openly embrace my girly side by wearing something pink every day! I adore jewelry, super cute paper products and stationery, and curling up with a great book, especially when I have some kettle corn to snack on.
I look forward to doing life with you and leaving a little sparkle wherever I go!

Founder of Shine Bright. Speak Truth.
Whether you have been around since the beginning or if you are new here, welcome! There have been a lot of changes recently, especially new things birthed during the COVID-19 quarantine. I have been a designer/photographer since 2005, nothing is changing there. I love what I do, but the more I have surrendered my life to Christ, my desire to help women has grown exponentially. All too often, we as women get lost in helping others and forget to help ourselves. We put our needs and our wants on the back burner and we serve until we walk away because we are depleted or we are left begging for oxygen. Recognizing that need, Shine Bright. Speak Truth. was born.
Shine Bright. Speak Truth. was a God Idea that was placed on my heart in 2020 and I have spent months praying and asking the Lord for His vision and how to proceed. The merging of this website is one action of surrender in letting Him be in control of every aspect of my personal and professional life. Why the name Shine Bright. Speak Truth.?
SHINE BRIGHT…I believe every one should sparkle in their own way and that sparkle comes from the bright light of Christ that you carry. Walk out YOUR walk, don’t play the comparison game and find the sparkle God has given YOU! He gave it to you for a purpose, people need YOUR sparkle, so embrace it and live it out!
SPEAK TRUTH…Having spent my “before Christ” days and even some after in the beginning of my sanctification process, I lied A LOT to cover up shame and inadequacies. Every lie I told was to cover up sin or my shameful past or was told to others to make them like me or see me differently than I actually was. Looking back, I see how much time I wasted trying to please others and was mostly unsuccessful. Now I embrace God’s truth about me, I am unashamed of my past, my shortcomings and know that through Christ I am chosen, forgiven and walk with His authority. Today, I am an advocate of SPEAKING TRUTH in love so it will bring others the same freedom in Christ.
I hope this is a place of peace and refuge for you. I want you to know me and I want to know you. So welcome to Tiffany Shae, home of SHINE BRIGHT. SPEAK TRUTH., where I share not just my beautiful client photographs and creative designs, but also my life journey through insecurity, rejection, rebellion, fear, divorce, navigating a successful parenting partnership and the grace and mercy I’ve experienced through the Lord Jesus Christ. Spoiler alert, all that pain has been turned into a beautiful testimony and yours can be too!

I truly live by the notion that you should treat everyone like it’s their birthday! The day you’re born is the most important day to me, because it brought you in to this world and gave me the opportunity to meet you! I don’t see the need for any other reason to celebrate, except maybe cupcakes!
No seriously, I could eat sushi 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner and NEVER get sick of it. What’s your favorite place to eat sushi?
All things pink and sparkly inspire me and breathe life deep into my soul, so what better holiday to love the most than Christmas.
Our Christmas tree stays up all year, YES, I am proudly THAT PERSON. No, I don’t change the ornaments out. I decorate with crystal, gold, silver and blush pink so it matches my decor and I enjoy the sparkle of the lights all year long.
Shine Bright. Speak Truth.
To provide Kingdom focused resources, website and community which empowers and equips women to walk in the fullness of Christ, embrace their identity in Christ and to activate and fully function in the gifts of the Spirit, so they can shine bright, speak truth and live free through the salvation and grace of our Lord.