Light seeker, wanderlust dreamer, free spirit with a wild heart, lover of all things pink and sparkly. Looking to leave a little sparkle everywhere I go.

Tiffany Shae, Tiffany Shae Headshot

a few things about me

  • I believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • I was saved and set free through the blood of the Lamb
  • I’m a single mom of a hilarious + smart teenager
  • My nickname is “sparkles” for my love of all things pink + sparkly
  • I bring a high energy and tend to be too much for people
  • I could literally survive on sushi + taco bell + sprite
  • I love hot tea and the whistle when the water is ready
  • I may or may not have a shoe addiction, don’t check the closet
  • I love to be organized, but also love organized chaos

Whether you have been around since the beginning of this site or if you are new here, welcome!

There have been a lot of changes recently, especially new things birthed out of the COVID-19 quarantine. I have been a designer/photographer since 2005, and at the end of 2020, I felt God asking me to close my business because it was time to go into full-time ministry.

I had all the reasons “not to” trust God:

  • not qualified
  • not ready
  • not smart enough
  • where would the job come from
  • what about money
  • would I still get to create

Watching God move when you get out of the way and let Him be God is mesmerizing — something I should do a lot more often.

I loved being creative and creating memories to establish a lasting legacy for each family I photographed. However, my desire to encourage women grew exponentially as I surrendered my life to Christ. 

All too often, women get lost in helping others and forget to love themselves. We put our needs and wants on the back burner and serve until we walk away because we are depleted or are left begging for oxygen. Recognizing that need, Shine Bright. Speak Truth. was born.


Shine Bright. Speak Truth. was a God Idea that was placed on my heart in 2020. The merging of this website is one act of surrender in letting Him control every aspect of my personal and professional life. Why the name Shine Bright. Speak Truth.?

SHINE BRIGHT…I believe everyone should sparkle uniquely, and that sparkle comes from the bright light of Christ that you carry. Walk out YOUR walk, don’t play the comparison game, and find the sparkle God has given YOU! 

He gave it to you for a purpose; people need YOUR sparkle, so embrace it and live it out!

SPEAK TRUTH…this holds a two-fold purpose.

First, having spent my “before Christ” days and even some after in the beginning of my sanctification process, I lied A LOT to cover up shame and inadequacies. Every lie I told was to cover up sin or my shameful past or was said to others to make them like me or see me differently than I was. 

Looking back, I see how much time I wasted trying to please others and was mostly unsuccessful. Now I embrace God’s truth about me. I am unashamed of my past and shortcomings and know that I am chosen, forgiven, and walk with His authority through Christ. 

Second, we live in a world of “my truth.” However, there is ONLY ONE TRUTH! You can perceive or believe whatever you want, but God is Truth!


Today, I advocate SPEAKING TRUTH in love to bring others the same freedom in Christ.

I hope this is a place of peace and refuge for you. I want you to know me, and I want to know you. So welcome to Tiffany Shae, home of SHINE BRIGHT. SPEAK TRUTH., where I share my creative projects and my life journey through insecurity, rejection, rebellion, fear, divorce, navigating a successful parenting partnership, and the grace and mercy I’ve experienced through the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Spoiler alert, all that pain has is a beautiful testimony, and yours can be too!


This handsome young man is my heartbeat.

I am so THANKFUL for him! Thankful I get to love him, hug him, laugh with him, cry with him, teach him, dream with him, learn through him, pray for him, cheer him on, document his life, and one of my favorites, negotiate with him. He’s really good at that.

They tell you not to blink when babies are born, and I used to think people were crazy. I believed what everyone said but didn’t realize how fast it would go.

He makes me so proud. He is fully independent, but I am thankful for the moments he lets me have when he still needs mom.

He’s my greatest success and my happiest moment.


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Creative + Social Media Expert, Destination Photographer on 30A, Destin, FL, Georgia, South Carolina and beyond

Locally serving


Serving photography clients from Gulf Shores, AL to Inlet Beach, and all along our beautiful 30A beaches, including Grayton Beach, Gulf Place, Santa Rosa Beach, Watercolor, Seaside, Seagrove, Watersound, Alys Beach, Seacrest, and Rosemary Beach.