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In honor of National Tattoo Day, I wanted to share the WHY behind my freedom tattoo.

Two years ago, I traveled to Nashville to visit a dear friend of mine. We had both been through some serious stuff during that time and we just needed each other. While I was there we decided to get tattoo’s – hers was to cover her wedding band from a past marriage and mine was something I had been dreaming of since I started an inner healing journey back in 2011.

I love it so much, the word FREEDOM with 8 birds, each symbolizing the bondages of my life that left me broken and hurt, and in turn, sabotaging myself and hurting others for years. The journey of healing now leaves the the birds uncaged, flying free, the choice to make a change and walk in love, striving each day to give my all and be the best version of me, knowing I’m not perfect and loving all my imperfections!

FREEDOM to me means….

  • trusting without limits giving each person that comes into your life a fair chance to give you their love and in turn receive yours
  • no longer needing the validation of a boss, friend, husband or parent to feel like I belong
  • being comfortable in my own skin regardless of the extra “love” I carry in my handles 🙂
  • being able to walk away from those who are unwilling to love me and all my imperfections
  • listening to criticism and being able to pull the truth of areas I need to change, but not take offense and harbor resentment
  • not worrying about whatever everyone else has, wants or thinks I should do
  • finding the best in everyone and every situation…there is always a silver lining
  • walking away from those that continue to hurt me and know that loving them from far away is the only way
    not standing in fear of anyone because I am allowed to walk away
    listening for the cry of another…someone hurt, abused, broken, sad, depressed, hopeless and touching their lives
    knowing I’m not in control of everything and learning to just go with the flow trusting in God to pave the way while I continue to heal every area of my heart

I wrote this back in 2016 when I posted the photo on Facebook. It’s also printed out and hanging in my bedroom so I will read it and remember how far I’ve come. Never underestimate the power of healing – find your why, then pursue it. The Lord came to give you abundant life – so if you aren’t living an abundant life let’s figure out why. I’d love to talk to you if you’re struggling, feel free to reach out anytime. I’d love to know, what does Freedom mean to you???

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Tiffany Shae, owner and creator of Tiffany Shae Creative.

Written by Tiffany Shae


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Creative + Social Media Expert, Destination Photographer on 30A, Destin, FL, Georgia, South Carolina and beyond
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